Celebration of National Constitution Day at D.A.V. College, Hoshiarpur


D.A.V College,Hoshiarpur,Department of Sociology,celebrated National Constitution Day on 26th November 2024

(TTT)Under the dynamic leadership of Principal Prof. (Dr.) Vinay Kumar, D. A. V. College, Hoshiarpur, Sociological Forum Society, Department of Sociology, celebrated National Constitution Day on 26th November 2024. During the event, students shared their views on the significance of the day. The primary objective of the celebration was to raise awareness among students and society about the Indian Constitution and to reiterate the values and principles enshrined within it. A total of 24 students actively participated in the event. Principal Sir emphasized the importance of Indian Constitution and conveyed a meaningful message to the community. Dr. Anoop Kumar, President and Sh. D. L. Anand, Secretary of the College Managing Committee, congratulated Ms. Reena, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, and the students for the success of this initiative.